Sunday, August 19, 2012


Many of us are planning on sharing our Mailing Lists. It benefits us all! Please email to be included.


We have started the email marketing process to alert our buyers of the ebay changes, we have included as many of your site links as we could locate, if you did not submit yours to us and want to be included please contact us at

Furthermore, we have included the most popular eCommerce sites that everyone seems to be going towards. The professional marketing company we are using will collect the buyer click through rates giving us some indication of which sites the buyers are interested in going to. We are more than happy to publicly post these reports on the blog to share the data with you. This will help you see which stores are getting the buyers traffic. As we do these marketing plans over the next six weeks you should experience an increase of buyers to your locations, since we will continue to help push buyers to all the sellers without discrimination. If you are not sharing your urls links you may be missing out on free help from the community to boost your sales.

If you prefer to do your own marketing, not a problem, just a recommendation, we are using the online company Vertical Response.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us. Blessings


Greetings All,

(Thank you for the offer, but we are NOT accepting donations, we want this to be a community service and we are volunteering, there is no motive here other than it is the ethical thing to do for the survival of us all).

I'm happy to help. Just a note, our mailing  list of 2,000 is generating some traffic to everyone's links, even though it has been less than 24hrs. It is not an instant result, marketing is a process that builds upon itself, so if you don't notice any changes yet, do not panic. We have only just begun. I wanted to offer some basics about how it works to those who may not be heavily involved in marketing. 

Giants like Google, Yahoo, and Bing have software to block spam from people's mail. They do this automatically, without you knowing to protect you. However, this means we must establish our sending from email addy as "approved" so these sites let our newsletters and messages through. 

There are a few things that make this happen. Send emails that ask the client to reply to you. (if they reply its a green light for your mail to get through)  Not hitting your limits on sending out mail. Not sending too large of lists all at once in the same email. Sending to email addresses that you have a history of communicating with. For your mail contacts this will not be an issue.

Note: if you are forwarding our newsletter and clients are replying with "meta offer" separate those contacts email addresses or move the replies to a separate folder, these are buyers of yours who actively want to buy from you at the sales scheduled from Aug 30th through Sept. This is important to forward communication about your sales specifically to them.

However, many of you have clients that purchased through paypal, and messaged you though ebay, but never contacted you through your mail server address (gmail, hotmail, or other). We can still access these customers because we have a history with them so it does not violate the spam laws. However, you need to get these address out of your paypal account (link with instructions:  ) then you need to mail these customers. Because they are not in your email contact lists, if you send these people emails along with lots of others at the same time, you can trigger the Gmail, Bing, and Yahoo spam filters. This means the messages you are sending and all the effort you are giving is never being seen. These emails go straight to spam.

If you are not sure if your clients are getting your mail, we highly recommend you consider using an online email marketing program for your lists. Its fairly easy, not too expensive, and gives you info in return to tell you if the mail is received and opened, are they clicking your link to the store, and how many are unopened. Many times the time of day and day of the week effects the outcome. If your message hits their box at peak hours for marketing campaigns, it gets buried, they never see it, it never gets opened. These online programs can group your lists into sections to easily resend it to the ones not opened for a second chance. (WE WILL BE DO THIS WITH THE LATE SELLER LINK ADDITIONS) This allows yours links to be seen asap. We will also include them in future mailings.

Here is the link to the company we are using, free to sign up and 100 free mail sends, lots of video tutorials and good support team. If you sign up under this referral you get 500 free sent emails, and we get $40 in email sends as well. Which we will use to push more traffic to your sites. LINK:

If you do not have the time or do not want to do your own lists, we are happy to keep sending out promos to get your store links out there which you can forward, just try to use the forward to a friend link to avoid getting your own email address blocked as a spammer. 

If you want us to send your lists, we will do that too we will send it in a separate mailing, with your store name as the from address so your clients know it is from you, (we will not use your lists ever in the future for our own mailings... We would be considered a third party and it would be a spam violation, without your buyer's permission. NOT WORTH IT) We are not experts at this, we just researched it. But, we are working diligently to get the traffic pushed towards your stores. The more lists that get notified the better. If you do not want to share your lists due to privacy, we are absolutely ok with that too. We will be happy to work with anyone who needs help in what ever way you want to do that. This is only about getting the community traffic off ebay and back on you. We are trying our bests to be as open and transparent as possible here.

We have attached the reports of our email newsletter traffic, so you can see the results. The graph shows a little over half are still unopened. It also shows a high click through rate, this means many people who opened it are clicking the links. So, it is effectively getting them to your stores. This will increase as we engage the buyers with more incentives to go to your stores, like Big Sales. We are very open to your suggestions, and input. Especially regarding the blitz sales, what do you want to offer the buyers, and when? If you see any gaps in our efforts or ways we can improve please speak up, this is about helping us all. Please contact us if you have any questions. Blessings, Tiffany
Screen Shot Ebay Ban 1st Alert 8-21-12.jpgScreen Shot Ebay Ban 1st Alert 8-21-12.jpg
252K   View   Share   Download  


 (THIS IS A DRAFT EMAIL) Please review and test links for edit or approval contact before  August 20, 2012
Ebay to Ban Magick on Aug. 30th 
How to Locate Sellers
Ebay Fall Seller Updates for 2012 will be going into effect on Aug. 30th:
Items that will be prohibited include: advice; spells; curses; hexing; conjuring; magic services; prayers; blessings; Psychic, Tarot, Reiki, and other metaphysical readings & services; magic potions; healing sessions; work from home businesses & information; wholesale lists, and drop ship lists. 

Discontinued categories:
  • Metaphysical: Psychic, Paranormal > Readings
  • Metaphysical: Psychic, Paranormal > Spells, Potions
  • Metaphysical: Tarot Readings

You will no longer be able to purchase your metaphysical items from many of your favorite sellers on ebay. Violations of the ebay policy can result in seller account suspension or termination. For this reason many sellers are forced to change their item descriptions to not include the prohibited items or references to their intangible properties. 

This means sellers on ebay can no longer sell you items with spells, spirits, or powers. Although ebay has not banned other mainstream religious items, it will no longer allow:

NO Djinn, NO Demon, NO Dragon, not even a tiny fairy.

Some see this as religious discrimination. The issues have stirred the community and have been reported by many national news sites. There is a petition to stop ebay from banning the psychics. You can support your favorite sellers by signing the petition anonymously.

Sign the Petition
If you are outraged by this discrimination and want to help you can find more info here: Ebay Ban Blog
Don't Worry... We will not disappear!

We will not be invisible!The current focus is on getting our items, which you love, to a safe place where you can find them. We understand it can be unsettling to experience sudden changes. However, we want you to feel assured we are all still here for you. You can rely on our strength and know that you will continue to experience the same dedicated customer services you have come to love. We are all very excited for these transformations are bringing great blessings. Look forward to finding us in our new locations and with great anticipation believe that great things are on their way!

How To Find Your Sellers

Due to the short notice from ebay on these changes, many sellers are coming together in the true spirit of unity to help each other move to new sites. Some sellers are moving to other online markets. Many are building their own sites.  Ultimately unity is important as the community is expanding to be available to you in the place you may already be online. We are all working to create a future where you can enjoy shopping with us and continue to build the community support. Currently you can locate many sellers here:

Etsy - Big Metaphysical Selection  

Bonanza - Everything but the Ordinary

eBid - Auction Format and Stores - similar to ebay

ArtFire - The Arts of Magick

CH Market Place - Many Great Sellers Here

eCrater - Great place to visit

Amazon - Great books and Items

Haunted Shoppe - Great place - open to sharing with other sellers

Check these sites often as sellers continue to move into their new stores.

Check Out These Seller's Stores

TO EBAY - With all sincerity: Thank you for being our home for 6 years. We were blessed by the bounty of your shoppers, we met lovely friends, and we grew wise in the online market. Although you have chosen to destroy our ability to be a Metaphysical seller on your site, you have in fact, done something greater than you can imagine. You have helped us evolve and unite as a spiritual community. You have strengthened our beliefs. Your intolerance has honored our religions by allowing us to show you just how capable we are at overcoming obstacles. You've pushed us into new markets where we have met even more new friends who celebrate love and light. You have renewed our spirit of survival, sparking an excitement. We are not sad; we are not hurt; we are not scared; we are not shaken; we are not defeated by your hate. We are blessed by our beliefs. We are grateful for your failed attack. We are encouraged by the love being shown to us from all over the world by those with religious tolerance. Many big corporate markets try to destroy the little folk. What you fail to understand is the size of our strength, when we unite hand in hand. Ebay, we are blessed, and loved by many. We receive that which we give, and we have open hearts, and open hands. We invite any and all to take our hands, share our hearts, and discover the blessings with us. Change is here!
The metaphysical sellers want to thank our clients for being a part of our lives and for all the love you have shown us over the years. You are the reason we are here. Brightest Blessings!

The New

logoEbay_x45 8



Legal Jargon

Due to the needs of the community many sellers are pulling together to help update all buyers and the community about any changes. Most sellers are cooperating in joint marketing efforts to better serve you with knowledge. Shared information or website links does not infer any legal contract, affiliation, or endorsement. Participation in these marketing efforts is non-profit and voluntary. These emails are being offered as a metaphysical community service.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Let's Post More Comments on the News Sites

Starting a new post rather than commenting because this is important!

Our plight with eBay is being reported across the nation, NBC, ABC, the LA Times and many others have picked up the story. Some treat it humorously but others are more serious. We need to find these articles and post our responses. I can't do it alone-I've spent hours today commenting and sending out news links to sites. If we are going to move eBay at all, we need more positive press making them look bad.
This one takes it half seriously.

This one is widely read-

Huffington Post is very influential--lots of positive comments--PLUS you can email copies direct to eBay from the page.

A popular site--lots of comments

He makes some good points--

To find others just google 'eBay banning psychics' or 'eBay banning spells and magic'-there are many going up.

Also-I reached out to several UK based Meta Sellers. I did post on the board link Bewitched posted telling them we had made the National news and to join in but my post was pulled and I was reprimanded in under 5 minutes. Oh well! Not the first time I've been 'pink slapped' on a discussion board!

We need to keep the pressure on eBay!

I'll be adding a new batch of emails for eBay employees JAT just finished formatting very soon too.

I know we are all stressed and tired but lets all understand that we ALL are in this together and need to work together for a positive outcome to this situation.

Here is a copy of one of the comments I have been posting---it is taking a different approach-our financial harm. People can relate to that.

I understand some people do not believe and see us as fakers and frauds but our Alternative, Occult, New Age and Pagan beliefs are just as valid as other faiths and ideologies. Believe in magick, energy work and psychic abilities or don't. I'm not trying to convince you. Millions of people DO believe. Each to their own.

I want to address this another way. One many of you might understand better.

Ebay is financially harming hundreds if not thousands of individuals and their families. This was many peoples livelihood and sole business and income. They made eBay their business or rather, they made and grew their businesses ON eBay.

These people have spent YEARS being loyal to eBay, growing a good customer base and providing excellent customer service. I myself gave up a very lucratrive business over 4 years ago to devote myself full time to my eBay clients/business. I work with a group of elderly long time Practitioners of various Paths, Vodou/Voodoo, Wicca, etc.... We sell charged tools, empowered items, charms, charged candles and energized jewelry, etc.... The money we make allows them to practice their faith and calling full time.

I personally pay eBay and Paypal in excess of 2,000 PER MONTH IN FEES. That means in 4 years I have given eBay close to 100,000 dollars in fees. I know other Metaphysical sellers who pay TWICE and more what I do a month.

Yet eBay, after our loyalty, some sellers for 6 to 8 years even, they tell us to leave with only a month's notice. And, not even a true notice-they hide their banning of our items and services in pages of clickable links to other pages which I discovered just last week by accident. A full 99% of the metaphysical sellers I contacted had never even SEEN the new rule buried in pages of updates and small print. This is inexcusable on eBay's part as far as I and many others are concerned.


I also should point out that back in approx. 2005/2006, eBay actually featured the metaphysical category--focusing on it as a rapidly growing and dynamic category with great potential. They in effect 'courted' these very same sellers they are now banning and financially harming.

They say WE are costing them money? I ask HOW when we pay HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of DOLLARS a year in fees. The majority of us have 14 to 30 day or longer refund policies and many happy and repeat customers. I personally have several thousand feedback and only ONE negative for a 20 dollar item because the woman did not get my email with some instructions right away. I have ONLY ever had two charge backs-from a scammer who hit several sellers. A lost package? A duplicate item is sent right out!

Again I say SHAME ON EBAY!

We stood with you when other sellers left in droves for Amazon, Etsy and other venues, yet you do THIS to us!

Monday, August 13, 2012

A very rough draft of a letter to eBay

This is a (very) rough draft of a letter I'm working on for any who want to send to eBay. I think we need more than one but this is my contribution. I welcome suggestions and comments. I REALLY think we need several letters and then we need to send them to every email address we can. AND as SOON as possible. We need clarification and hopefully eBay taking a step back from their proposed ban.

The letter----

To whom it may concern
I am writing to eBay to express my dismay over your recent decision to remove certain categories under the metaphysical heading. While I understand some few sub-par sellers may have caused charge back issues, this is certainly not the norm among sellers in the Metaphysical categories. Most have exemplary feedback and many happy and satisfied repeat customers. In fact, the feedback of metaphysical sellers as a whole is probably far better than sellers of electronics and other like merchandise.

There has also been the statement made that many sellers are dealing in 'intangible' items. While we understand this poses an issue with eBay/Paypal dealing with refunds and charge backs when nothing is mailed, selling an intangible item has long been against eBay policy anyway. Many sellers know this and DO mail items to their customers. Those that do not should be educated in eBay rules to cease this practice which has long been against policy.

What is alarming now is that the blanket term of 'intangilbe item' is being used to ban actual ITEMS. Jewelry, crystals, stones and other items with ADDED energy work or yes, what is commonly called 'spells', are being targeted. What concerns me is your purposed selective enforcement of what you(eBay) terms 'intangible'. It seems you only have targeted those sellers who offer items of a certain occult or esoteric nature, ie. pagan beliefs and witchcraft. Magic, Spells, items of a paranormal or psychic nature, etc.... 

Sellers have also been told (via EBay's Facebook) that the prices of their tangible items can not  reflect any significantly added value put on by any intangible addition. What a nightmare for eBay to enforce since many items listed every day are priced subjectively by the sellers in many categories such as art, antiques, jewelry, vintage items and collectibles. The market determines the price and people will pay the price or they won't. Again this seems like only sellers of certain occult natured items are being singled out for selective enforcement if the Facebook statement is true.

EBay has not disallowed Feng Shui items or 'New Age' items like Crystals used in healing and crystal work, both of which have 'intangible' properties that are believed in by MANY millions and millions around the world and add to their value in the eyes of  many. You have not banned rosaries, crucifixes or religious medals, all of which have perceived 'intangible' abilities and energies associated with them. You have not banned items like Aromatherapy products which people use to gain certain 'intangible' benefits from. Magnetic therapy jewelry. Radionic devices  and the entire category of natural and homeopathic remedies are items that people must subjectively get 'intangible' and unverifiable benefits from. The list of items with 'intangible' benefits goes on and on. I ask HOW are these any different than spells, blessings, magic and energy work placed upon items? How do these items differ in dealing with any Resolution Center disputes?

I am saddened and deeply concerned that eBay's new policy may appear to some as a form of religious or ideological discrimination against occult and esoteric metaphysical beliefs. Something that I'm sure eBay does not want to imply.

Various Pagan, Neo-pagan, Alternative and Wiccan beliefs are ages old and actually a rapidly growing segment of our world population. Not everyone subscribes to the 'Big Three' religions, four if you include Buddhism. 
in fact according to

"A second important statistic is the rate of growth of the Wiccan community. "In May, 1998, the Chicago Tribune reported that, though difficult to quantify due to lack of formal organization, neo-paganism is the fastest-growing religion in North America with the Internet being the prime means of proselytizing." 1 Ms. Curott estimates a doubling in size every 18 months. This growth rate seems quite high, but appears to have some credibility in the Wiccan community. The ARIS survey of the American adult population indicates a growth in the Wiccan community of 17 fold between 1990 and 2001 - the highest of any faith group monitored. This would indicate a doubling in numbers of adherents about ever 30 months. 2 Maria Alupoaicei, who co-authored the book "Generation Hex" claims that "The numbers of [Wiccan] adherents are doubling every 30 months." We suspect that she derived her estimate from this essay. She notes that there are over 700,000 websites for Wiccans on the Internet.

If the latter growth rate is accurate and if it continues, then Wicca would be the third largest religious group in the U.S. by about 2012, behind Christianity and Judaism, and ahead of Islam."

If this is all a misunderstanding, I apologize but there have been many mixed messages coming from eBay Customer Service reps who tell sellers who call in that not only are readings of all types and direct cast spells(non mailed item) being prohibited, but that ANY item, TANGIBLE ITEM, that mentions a spell or magic anywhere in the title or listing is now prohibited. Sellers are told that the use of certain WORDS are banned and listings will be scanned for these certain keywords like magic, prayer, blessing, psychic, spell, haunted, etc... I can only imagine what a nightmare this will become if that is true, with listings being pulled just for using a certain keyword picked up by a computer bot.

I ask that eBay consider carefully how targeting certain beliefs and practices may look to the world as a whole-a world where millions of people hold alternative and differing cultural beliefs. I think sometimes certain corporate departments can be short sighted in making changes whose widespread ramifications are not well thought out.

I am only ONE of HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of persons, both buyers and sellers of items in the Metaphysical Categories that are asking these same questions now.
A concerned eBay member

Hopefully everybody saw the Facebook post jinnandtonics sent in:

From ebay  FB - just now!

 ·  · 29 minutes ago

    • eBay
      Hi Lisa, as part of our latest Seller Release we announced the closing of some categories. Every year we restructure, close, and edit our categories to improve the 
      shopping experience onsite. The Metaphysical category is going to be closed
       at the end of the month, and items from that category will not be allowed to be listed onsite. More details can be found here:



categoryupdatesABPost ~terri
6 minutes ago · 

BOMBARD EBAY! Ebay Phone #'s and Email Addresses


From ebay  FB - just now!

 ·  · 29 minutes ago

    • eBay
      Hi Lisa, as part of our latest Seller Release we announced the closing of some categories. Every year we restructure, close, and edit our categories to improve the shopping experience onsite. The Metaphysical category is going to be closed
       at the end of the month, and items from that category will not be allowed to be listed onsite. More details can be found here:
e2012/categoryupdates.html?ssPageName=categoryupdatesABPost ~terri
6 minutes ago · 

Lets start with Facebook! Tell eBay what you think!
Here is eBay's corporate Facebook page

The petition-PLEASE sign it so it can be emailed too! 

Ebay official Facebook sites:

Ebay Twitter  Founder of eBay    This is the CEO John Donahoe! 

The Founder of eBay's Website--it can't hurt to email here! 

The info below will be updated as I get more info in. I'm waiting on an employee database to come in. I can't guarantee all phone number or email addresses below are good but most are 2010 or later. Once I get the employee list, even without email addresses-I have the way eBay assigns addresses so we should be able to (hopefully) have the email addresses of many eBay employees based on name alone.

FAX NUMBER: send a fax to the eBay CEO, here is his personal office fax number: 1-408-376-7414

EMAIL: / /

BUSINESS/MAILING ADDRESS: John Donahoe, eBay CEO, 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125

HOME ADDRESS: John Donahoe, 10 Palmer Lane, Portola Valley, CA 94028

HOME PHONE NUMBER: 650-851-9263

You can use either one of the following eBay 800 numbers to contact eBay by phone: 1-800-322-9266 and 1-888-749-3229.

The telephone number for eBay UK is 02086 053 000.

To contact eBay by mail use the following address:

2145 Hamilton Avenue
San Jose, CA 95125

To contact eBay customer service via fax the number is 1-408-376-6554

Telephone number for eBay's main coporate office: 1-408-558-7400.
Other Ebay Numbers--
888 221-1161

eBay Email Addresses--- ( Matthew J. Bannick, President, eBay International) (President, eBay North America) <>

eBay Contact Information United Kingdom

0700 500 3229 (eBay General Number -- UK Calling Rates Apply)
020 8605 3111 (UK Power Seller's Help Line -- UK Calling Rates Apply)
0906 665 8030 (eBay Customer Service -- UK Calling Rates Apply)
0906 665 8030 (eBay Customer Service -- UK Calling Rates Apply)

eBay Address UK

eBay UK Ltd, Complaints Department
PO Box 659, Richmond-upon-Thames
Surrey, TW9 1TX

eBay (UK) LTD,
P.O. Box 9473
Dublin 15

Alternatives to eBay?

 Though the reason for this blog is to get together to try and save our places selling on eBay-many have brought up other selling venues.
While I think that our primary goal for now should be to convince eBay to let us continue, even if with changes, I see that many are looking for an alternative.
So many suggestions are coming in for alternative places to sell that I thought it deserved it's own section. Plus it keeps the other comment sections on topic AND allows anyone interested to easily find the recommendations all in one place. I'll update the post ASAP with suggestions in comments of the other posts.

Etsy--Lot's of shoppers-a big metaphysical section but 'different'.--has been reported that Spirit bound items are not allowed.
Bonanza--A great site but no sales seems to be the opinion.
Wepay--a big push on this because they offer an alternate payment system to Paypal. I know many crafters and at least one psychic have stores. It is a new place just starting the last few months and many Etsy people moved shop here recently.
Artfire--individual storefronts
Tophatter- an auction site that does live auctions of all types. Fast going like an actual live auction. I have seen metaphysical themed auctions scheduled. They group things in themes to have the auctions. I have sold non meta items and bought too. I like it--- they are in their infancy but growing. People seem to love them too. Not sure it would work for many sellers though.
CH Marketplace-a few meta sellers use this but mostly customers re-selling or regular forum members.
eCrater--has some bad reviews
Hauntedshoppe-JanetKarmel--a meta seller with a large website who has offered to post items for others. alone websites synced to eBay so all your listings can be automatically transferred in their entirety easily and automatically-great for large sellers of BIN items. Owned by eBay.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


NOTE: Please see lists of eBay email addresses, fax #'s and phone numbers as well as all official Facebook pages on the Bombard Ebay post!

UPDATE: 8/13/12

From ebay  FB - just now!

 ·  · 29 minutes ago

this is to just give a synopsis of what eBay reps are telling people so far.

It is CERTAIN that any INTANGIBLE item that is not mailed is OUT. No direct cast spells, body bindings of spirits (conjures), readings of ANY type-psychic, tarot, aura, angel, etc..., distance energy work and healing, Reiki, rituals for any purpose, candle rituals, prayers, etc... ANYTHING NOT MAILED.

It seems what is in question is whether the term 'intangible' is being applied to energies (magick casting,spells, spirit bindings, blessings, energy empowerment's) placed on or already upon jewelry or other items making them become worth more than the actual intrinsic value of the item.

It has been stated by several eBay CS reps that this 'intangible' factor will NOT BE ALLOWED either.

Other eBay CS reps say anything in the metaphysical>paranormal>jewelry or metaphysical>paranormal>other is OK but there is conflicting info about whether this means adding spells and spirits to these pieces is OK.

Some CS reps say certain 'keywords' must not be used--'spirit', 'spell', 'enchantment', 'haunted', 'psychic', 'reading', 'potion', are some being mentioned. Some CS reps feel taking these words out of the title alone is sufficient others say they must not be used in the listing at ALL.

So what is needed now is a final clarification on the points above. We know the two categories of 'metaphysical-paranormal-jewelry' and 'metaphysical-paranormal-other' are remaining for now (but some hint not for long) BUT how we can use these categories is in question. 

Each listing eBay might remove can be considered a policy violation and too many policy violations lead to suspension or limiting of even our compliant listings and our ID's.