Thursday, September 13, 2012

After Banning Day-Where do we go from here?

I know there has been no update here for a while but that was partially because many updates were in comments plus many of us have been communicating privately by email. I realize now that many sellers are not in that email chain and are feeling alone and confused, angry and disgusted-or to speak plain-JUST PLAIN P*SSED OFF!

So-the 'Day' has come and gone and the worst has happened! Ebay as some of us feared all along, has decided that NO spirited or spelled items are to be allowed.

This is in direct conflict with what many of you have been told by different CS reps all month but as I warned-NEVER believe what a CS Rep tells you because many of them know less about eBay policy than many of us.

Many of you have had listings pulled, some of you have voluntarily removed your listings to avoid policy violations and yes, some of you still have listings going. But not for long the way things look.

Ebay is removing several hundred to several thousand a day. They are not just mass 'slaughtering' us but are taking their time. My best guess is that they are running keyword scans and then checking and pulling the results.
The emails being received are mostly canned responses though I have seen a bit of differences between several sent me.
The main body though says this and some sellers are getting the added portion in red at the bottom---

Unfortunately, we had to remove your listing because of the following:

You listed an item which is “haunted” and/or includes a spell which intangible magical effects. 

eBay has made the decision to no longer allow items with intangible attributes – such as haunted items or those which have had spells cast upon them. This is why we removed the category that these items were once listed in. 

As such, we ask that you do not relist these items. 

You can sell items which are used in spells such as sage or athames; however, the items you sell cannot include any promises of intangible attributes such as wealth, love, or any other "spell" effects.

The purpose of the eBay Web site is to enable members to buy and sell items from each other. Listings that do not offer an item for sale through the site, or that are designed for any other purpose, are not permitted. For example, listings for invisible or intangible items are not permitted. Buyers should be able to verify the existence of an item they bought when they receive it. 

For more information on this eBay policy, please visit:

Important: The next time you sell, you may be asked to take a tutorial. Once you've completed the tutorial successfully, please review your account status for any other possible concerns. If there are no other issues, you should be able to sell again.

Please note: violation of this or other eBay policies may result in forfeit of eBay fees on cancelled listings, limits on account privileges and account suspension.

Your listing(s) may be eligible for relisting through My eBay. If your listing is eligible, you will see the listing in your Unsold Items page within My eBay. Listings that are not eligible for relisting will not be visible in the Unsold Items page. 

To relist your item, sign in to eBay, go to My eBay to your Unsold items, and select the item that was canceled -- it's highlighted with a yellow banner. Before relisting, please make any changes necessary to ensure that your revised listing is in compliance with the law and eBay policies. You might want to check your other listings for similar violations as well.

You can review our listing removal policies and seller rules by clicking the links at the end of this email.

Make sure your future listings follow these guidelines. If they don't, they may be removed, and you may be subject to a range of other actions, including restrictions of your buying and selling privileges and suspension of your account.

We appreciate your understanding.

If you have any more questions, contact our policy experts. Get started by clicking the link below.



So this pretty much tells us that all the CS reps, the ebay spokesperson and the person from the president's office who said certain intangible attributes were allowed as long as no excessive value was put on them, were lying through their teeth or just ignorant of eBay's real policy--or both!

I see these statements above as the 'death knell' for ALL things metaphysical. I'm sure Crystal Healing/Energy will be the next to go. If a buyer gets a piece of jewelry with a spell or spirit and can't "verify the existence of an item they bought when they receive it" then how does that work with a crystal and it's 'intangible' energy attributes?

Now we have to adapt or move on. Ebay is NOT going to allow any spells or spirit bound items anymore. You can try and get by like many of you have, moving to other categories, offering the energy attachment for free, changing the wording to use alternate terms, etc.... but that is only going to buy you a few days at most and possibly a suspension if eBay gets tired of the 'game'. Plus there are always those few eager to turn you in for violating policy.

Many of us have moved to other venues. Some to our own websites, others to one of the many 'meta' marketing sites popping up. Some are on Bonanza, some on Etsy, some on Artfire, etc.... Sadly a lot of splintering going on. We need ONE good site with lots of traffic of both meta buyers and others too. Some vote for eBid, some Bonanza, etc... no real consensus yet.

The bottom line is that your sales will not be as good as on eBay for a long time, if ever, and you must work to build a business and pull in your clientele all over again.

Am I being negative yes, but in my defense I'm tired. Tired of eBay and their lies, tired of the press belittling us, tired of working 18 hour plus days to redo all over again our business from virtual scratch, tired and angry enough to take that athame and sage bundle eBay says I can 'legally' sell, and use one to poke the idiot execs who thought up this ban in the eye and shove the other one up their ignorant behinds. Which item goes where is still up in the air but I guarantee you I'd light the sage bundle first no matter where I was going to use it!


  1. From The Anunnaki
    Who is having problems posting.

    I am requesting you post my comment.


    Just today 9/11, eBay removed a third of the listings based on keywords in the title . But they only did it in the metaphysical category; I see people are now listing in elsewhere like religious jewelry and eBay lets them stay.

    ... my original post with the name removed below ...

    I talked to eBay, I used my selling experience to read between the lines, and I can tell you why they're closing the category.

    Since John Donahoe became CEO, eBay buyers can cause whatever harm to sellers they want as per policy and get away with it. They know this. So we have a lot of them, who are not fake accounts, but real people with long buying histories (like the buyer [name removed]) go to the psychic readings buy the cheapest readings for $1 or less. They then get what they pay for because that's obviously not the most talented reader. The buyer then destroys the seller's account with negative feedback. The buyer than clicks the "rob seller" button and forcibly robs like $2 from the seller just to be malevolent. The buyers do this who have hundreds to thousands of feedback and real information so getting them suspended isn't going to ever happen. And they hit every single seller in the metaphysical category. And the category is flooded with them lately, who are real people, with old accounts, who simply target our category to destroy all the sellers here.

    ... now. a followup ...

    Admin, I think you're the seller who left followup feedback praising the guy. That was a fake buyer coming to attack the categories and people like that illegitimate buyer are the reason why eBay shut everything down. You're all "woo hoo he's attacking my competitors" when really he's a fake account designed to neg everyone. I think he's an eBay employee because despite violating the rules of negging everyone in a category, eBay treats him like royalty. Perhaps someone in eBay came by and attacked people before shutting it down.


    So many sellers are talking about all their listings going down, and I’m really worried the smaller sellers are going to disappear if they don’t get places quick enough. My seller distribution list is at least 3 years old, so I’m sure it’s not valid for many sellers.

    How quickly can you guys spread the word about eBid, Bonanza, CH Marketplace, SpellBoundAuctions, etc?

    Also, we are going to be putting together a printed directory of all sellers and all the sellers on our Marketplace and putting them in all packages for October.

    We want sellers to send an email over to us with their old eBay username, links to any of the places where they are listing, and a paragraph explaining themselves & what they sell.

    We are also going to be doing real press releases in October! We are going to be driving traffic to the CH Marketplace and also advertising for any sellers who have their own sites, so make sure any information also includes whatever websites they have.

    De lumière & aime,


    A buyer wrote and told me that several of his sellers have contacted him telling him they have actually received suspension notices after having listings pulled. Anyone have any info or verification of this?

    1. Hi,

      Yes, this happened to us today. They removed yet another of our listings and then sent us this letter:

      MC198 INI Temporary Selling Restriction (703353584)

      "Hello john_and_alyson,

      Your selling privileges have been temporarily restricted because of a recent policy violation. You won't be able to list or revise items for seven (7) days. You're also not allowed to register a new account during this time.

      Please be assured that your account has *not* been suspended. At this time, you still have full account access. You can continue to:

      - Send email
      - Obtain shipping addresses
      - Leave Feedback
      - Perform other administrative tasks

      Your account will no longer be restricted after seven days.

      However, please be aware that any additional violations of this policy could result in the suspension of your account. Once eBay suspends an account, the member no longer has any account access. In addition, all active listings are canceled, and members who placed bids on those listings are notified.

      If you have any further questions, please review the notice that was previously sent to you about this restriction.

      Thank you for your understanding.


      eBay Trust & Safety team"

      I have had about 20 listings pulled by them and keep in mind that I only list about 10 items a week.

      I still have several items listed and I've started to include a disclaimer about how they are religious and spiritual items. eBay seems to be leaving those listings alone, but for how long I can't say for sure.

    This looks interesting. Who put this together? Anyone know?

  5. eBay has stopped taking down infringing listings. They are now only taking down non-infringing listings. They only use some kind of script that attacks listings based on title keywords and eBay never reviews listings. And they never read email and calling means an hour long phone call where they claim to file an appeal when nothing happens.

    There's many sellers who have hundreds of infringing items who constantly list them and eBay doesn't touch them, and there's one who has 1200 listings and growing -- all obviously intangible and they're immune.

    So basically eBay is just really screwed up and sick in the head.

  6. The best new site for all the meta services is
    The reason is because it takes bitcoins which are safe from buyer fraud such as "friendly fraud". And it has an escrow system so buyers are secure buying goods. This is best for all services and digital goods.

  7. Important-Seller Update! All Meta Sellers Invited To New FB Group

    We have stopped making posts here and have formed a private Facebook group so selling issues and moving our community forward can be discussed freely and privately. Though this blog was not submitted to the search engines it now shows up and many of us feel uncomfortable talking freely here.

    Please request to join the group. You will be asked to give a link to your site/sites so we can verify you are a seller. ALL SELLERS WELCOME!

    We discuss and share many issues, help one another with new selling venues, etc....

    This is the SELLER ONLY closed group URL

    It is named Metaphysical Seller Support & Info

    Buyers AND Sellers are invited to the open group below--

    Metaphysical Community Support & Info

    URL is
